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Report for multimedia presentation Essay Example

Report for interactive media introduction Essay The theme I have decided for my introduction is after school exercises. I picked this the...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Qualities that describe a successful student Essay

Qualities that describe a successful student - Essay Example Two of the most important qualities a student should possess are curiosity and self-motivation. Students who are most successful in college are students who are curious and ready to learn about new things. There are many ways in which curiosity is an essential quality for students. To begin with, curiosity enables students to become interested in subjects they might not have considered before. This quality drives a desire to learn that makes the university process seem less like work and more like an adventure. Curiosity can also help students overcome feelings of resistance against required courses that perhaps don’t fall within their normal interest range. There are always classes that are part of a required curriculum that don’t necessarily appeal to the student, such as math classes for English majors or English classes for scientists. Curiosity can change the focus into discovering ways in which this course material might be applied to the major field of study or the promise of future courses may entice the student to complete the undesired course in order t o reach more desirable units. All the curiosity in the world will not help the student much, though, if they do not also possess the quality of self-motivation. High school classes begin to place responsibility for coursework upon the shoulders of the student as a means of preparing them for college, but this does not mean the work gets finished. High school students also usually have parents to push them to finish their work, but college students are expected to keep up with their work on their own. Self-motivation drives the student to complete their work on time and to keep track of their classes on their own. Also, since college doesn’t include mandatory attendance, it takes a self-motivated individual to ensure they get to class each day instead of sleeping in or hanging out with friends. While there are many qualities that students will need to make a

Monday, February 3, 2020

Cb5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cb5 - Assignment Example Therefore the behavior of the consumer is determined by the motivation he or she gets. need for self-actualization. The most basic and fundamental four levels of the pyramid comprise of deficiency needs as termed by Maslow, they include security, friendship and love, esteem, and physiological needs. If these needs are not met with the exemption of the essential physiological need, there might be no physical sign, but the person will feel tense and anxious. This theory proposes that the most essential needs should be met before the person strongly desires the higher level or secondary needs (Patrick, 2003). Consumer involvement is the degree of data processing or level of significance that a customer accords to a product. The level of involvement has a very important impact on the behavior of the consumer. High involvement purchasing decisions are always the dream of a marketer as in this level consumers as the buying decisions are informed and planned. This is because the buyer purchases the product since it is important to them, therefore he or she concentrates on the features and warranties, and the price is not an issue. However, low involvement buying decisions are those that are formulated without planning, and they come about if one spots a product and they impress them. To increase customer involvement, marketers should select the correct customers, select pilots that fit into the present culture and should be aware of what consumers look for in their products (Michaelidou & Dibb, 2008). The self-image comprises of three dissimilar dimensions, that is the real self, the ideal self, and the self-esteem. The self-esteem refers to the positivity to an individual’s self-concept. Marketing communications may influence the self-esteem of an individual. Low self-esteem is when a person thinks they cannot do a task while high self-esteem is the opposite and individuals may tend to think more of themselves. The