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Report for interactive media introduction Essay The theme I have decided for my introduction is after school exercises. I picked this the...

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Well, here we are. Sitting in this stuffy gym wearing these unflattering robes, while the band is poised and ready to play â€Å"Pomp and Circumstance.† We’ve always known this day would come and, whether our teachers, our parents or ourselves are prepared for it, here it is. We’re about to take that giant leap in just a few minutes and after that, it’s time to make our own choices. No longer will our biggest decisions entail which person to ask to prom or which period would be the best to TA during. Now our choices will begin to revolve around which bills we need to pay and what job we want to be doing 20 years from now. And whether you choose to earn a degree, get a job certification or immediately start working, there are some universal choices that everyone should make to ensure a fulfilling life for ourselves and our families. First is the choice of love. The time is almost upon us to stop being children and start being parents. Unfortunately, there seems to be an alarming trend in the breakdown of families nationwide. Parents are becoming too busy to involve themselves in children’s lives. Not enough of them are talking to their children about important issues, such as tolerance, suicide and drug abuse. Divorce rates are high and not enough children receive the proper attention or counseling during those rough times. All of these factors combine to make an unsteady environment for children of today and the future. Teen drug abuse is high. Teen suicide rates are high. And for some awful reason, kids even as young as first grade are killing each other. Starting today, we have the power to change this. Growing up is an intimidating thing: a large, never ending cycle that we cannot slow nor stop but can only dig in deep with ... ...o be on this earth, so if you don’t live your life to the absolute fullest, you may have more regrets than you can count. You only have one shot at living your life so don’t make it a dull one with little meaning. Finally, in the end, after we’ve lived our lives and it’s all said and done, not all of us are going to be as wealthy as Bill Gates or have more than 15 minutes of fame. Our autobiographies won’t be best sellers and most of us won’t compete in pro sports or make it on television. This is not to say, however, that our lives will have little impact on the world around us. It is the families we raise, the friendships we honor and the beliefs we cling to that will determine in the end whether or not we were successful. I wish all of you, my friends, the very best the adult world has to offer — our time starts now. Live it fully with no regrets. Thank you.

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