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Report for multimedia presentation Essay Example

Report for interactive media introduction Essay The theme I have decided for my introduction is after school exercises. I picked this the...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Understanding Your Passion Essay - 964 Words

Understanding your passion is a concept that the author uses to allow you, as a future business leader, to think about the traits that will transform your business from an ordinary, or good business to a great business. The thought process of believing in what your business ‘is’ to what it ‘can be’. This text is primarily focused around what thoughts and actions can turn you business from good to great using his metric of sustaining a profitable business in a 15 year increment or longer. If you look at a few of the businesses he references, some have had ill effects in years after their profitability, such as Circuit City failing and Fannie Mae causing catastrophic economic collapse in the recent day. A company is only as good as their leadership and profitability remain intact. A company, to remain profitable through the longevity of world commerce can be difficult unless you continually stove to meet consumer demand for your product. The internet businesses such as Amazon have decimated some businesses because of low cost and availability and have only succeeded because of companies inability to adapt to this new business model. The authors words of insight are from 2001, which is a minimum of 15 years ago. The Global economy has changed drastically since then. The principles are still sound in this era, but must be adapted to the current economic climate where the consumer wants and demands much more from a company. Consumers temperaments have changedShow MoreRelatedReliability And Quality Of Reliability1294 Words   |  6 Pagescarry out that task. Reliability goes hand in hand with responsibility and respect, as all qualities are part of trust and positive attributes of a relationship. Reliability can generate much strength between 2 people. Reliability promotes an understanding between two people. As a desirable trait, it makes it so people can make sure that the job can be done without worry. 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