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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Somalia - 1276 Words

From Tranquility to Turmoil: Imperialism in Somalia No force has had a greater impact on modern nations and their cultures than imperialism. Imperialism is a policy of extending a nation’s rule over foreign areas by acquiring and holding colonies. During the nineteenth century in particular, imperialism became a trend among wealthy European nations such as Great Britain, France, and Italy, as countries competed to gain resources and expand their empires. In enforcing these policies, imperial powers spread numerous effects over the span of the globe. The question is, were the effects of imperialism beneficial or detrimental to the colonized nations? For the nation of Somalia, it is clear that imperialism was nothing but a perversion of†¦show more content†¦Originally Somalia was on the road to a democratic government; the Somali people ratified a new constitution on July 20, 1961 and elected Aden Abdullah Osman Daar as president and Abdirashid Ali Shermarke as prime minister (â€Å"Italian Somaliland† 3). However , the British government failed to prepare the Somalis for independence. As a result, Somalia, though its goals were to unite and form a stable democratic government, has only cycled through corruption, from the autocracy of Siad Barre to Farrah Aydid’s corrupt rule in 1991, a government so destructive it was followed by anarchy (â€Å"Somalia Post-Independence† 1-3). Had European imperial powers not interfered in Somalia’s development, it might not have begun moving in the direction of a modern democracy but it would have remained functional and peaceful as an Arab sultanate. But since imperial powers did interfere, Somalia was not prepared to stand on its own when given independence, and as a result is in a volatile position and is widely regarded as a â€Å"failed state† according to the Economist (â€Å"Poll† 1). The turbulence in Somalia’s government that followed the period of imperial rule would not have occurred had Britain and Italy never interfered in the first place, thus showing that imperialism leads to governmental instability. In addition to problems in government, the Somalian economy’s decreasing level of prosperity over timeShow MoreRelatedSomalia And Its Effects On Somalia1514 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"I don t recognize my people anymore. I feel Somalia is lost. There is no Somalia. It is just a name (Abdi, 2016)†. Over the past 20 years Somalia as a country has been in turmoil and constant fighting. Today’s Somalia is still a harsh environment and the people are unforgiving as they too are trying to survive this oasis of violence. Considering Somalia in the news now we see after years of fighting and trying to support this country with food, water, and security it has progressed but not quicklyRead MoreSomalia678 Words   |  3 PagesSomalia  (/sÉ µÃ‹Ë†mÉ‘Ë liÉ™/  so-mah-lee-É™;  Somali:  Soomaaliya;  Arabic:  Ã˜ §Ã™â€žÃ˜ µÃ™Ë†Ã™â€¦Ã˜ §Ã™â€žÃ¢â‚¬Å½Ã‚  aá ¹ £-á ¹ ¢Ã… «mÄ l), officially the  Federal Republic of Somalia[1]  (Somali:  Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya,  Arabic:  Ã˜ ¬Ã™â€¦Ã™â€¡Ã™Ë†Ã˜ ±Ã™Å Ã˜ © Ø §Ã™â€žÃ˜ µÃ™Ë†Ã™â€¦Ã˜ §Ã™â€ž Ø §Ã™â€žÃ™ Ã˜ ¯Ã˜ ±Ã˜ §Ã™â€žÃ™Å Ã˜ ©Ã¢â‚¬Å½JumhÃ… «rÄ «yat aá ¹ £-á ¹ ¢Ã… «mÄ l al-FidirÄ lÄ «yah), is a country located in the  Horn of Africa. It is bordered by  Ethiopia  to the west,  Djibouti  to the northwest, the  Gulf of Aden  to the north, the  Indian Ocean  to the east, and  Kenya  to the southwest. Somalia has the longest coastline on the continents mainlandRead MoreAfghanistan and Somalia771 Words   |  3 PagesAfghanistan and Somalia have had many terrorists emerge over the span of twenty years in order to evoke disorder in the world. The United States (U.S.) has been attempting to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat terrorists (A person, group, or organization that uses violent action, or the threat of violent action, to further political goals; frequently in an attempt to coerce a more powerful opponent) associated with al-Qaida and its aff iliates (U.S. Relations With Afghanistan). For example, during theRead MoreEssay on Clans of Somalia1208 Words   |  5 PagesSomalia, also known as the Democratic Republic of Somalia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. Somalia history can be traced back as far as the Paleolithic period. (Funk Wagnalls, 1900) Ancient structures, ruined cities, and stone walls found in Somalia, is evidence of a country that once thrived with a sophisticated civilization (p. 132). Somalia is a country that was once known for its rich geographical location located near oil wells in the Persian Gulf and a mainstream for internationalRead MoreSomalia at War Essay995 Words   |  4 Pagesit is perpetually facing armed conflict (Lukunka, 2012). Of the conflicts Africa is facing currently, Somalia is the center for some of the largest conflicts. The history of Somalia has been hit with conflict after conflict, not only between rival clans but also with other countries, most recently between no t only regional powers but also the US and Al-Qaida. The current conflict in Somalia differs from the rest due to the number and type of players involved; the large numbers of foreign playersRead More20th Century Somalia1656 Words   |  7 Pages20th Century Somalia Somalia is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti to the northwest, Kenya to the southwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the east. With the longest coastline on the continent, its terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains, and highlands. It is made up of the former British Protectorate of Somaliland and Italy’s former Trust Territory of Somalia. Somalia’s modern history began in the late 1800’sRead MorePiracy in Somalia1881 Words   |  8 PagesPiracy in Somalia Somalia has been dealing with piracy for decades now. Piracy is a major problem in today’s waters, but what exactly is piracy? Piracy is the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea. The piracy epidemic in Somalia is not going to go away overnight. Piracy in Somalia has drastically affected everything about the country. Piracy might now sound like a whole lot of a big deal, but the real fact is, it is a big deal. Solving such an issue as piracy is not an easy task by anyRead More Somalia Culture Essays1841 Words   |  8 PagesSomalia Culture Somalia is a country situated in the Ã’hornÓ of East Africa. It is bordered by the Gulf of Aden in the north, the Indian Ocean on the east and southeast, Kenya in the southwest, Ethiopia in the west, and Djibouti in the northwest. Somalia is about four times the size of the State of Minnesota, or slightly smaller than Texas. The capital is Mogadishu. Somalias population is mostly rural. Nearly 80% of the people are pastoralists, agriculturalists, or agropastoralists. ExceptRead MoreSecurity Stability in Somalia2688 Words   |  11 PagesSecurity Stability in Somalia Since their indirect elections on September 12, 2012, and despite the fragile regional security situation of the Horn of Africa, Somalia has continued to experience significant and sustained progress towards security stability in their country. In order for Somalia to succeed as viable and trusted state, the United States (US) as well as the International Community should not allow another security stability failure in Somalia. The US and the International CommunityRead MoreIrregular Warfare Strategy for Somalia696 Words   |  3 Pagesto stabilize the nation of Somalia. I will also discuss why it would be considered as an Irregular Warfare environment. Body Somalia gained its independence from British control in 1960, where the British relinquished control and gave Somalia to the United Nations. Somalia was governed by civilians until 1969; after which the military rebellion by General Muhammed Siad Barre took place. General Muhammed Siad Barre was a military tyranny that was in command of Somalia and it’s military. His tyranny

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